nadler Super User
Joined: February 25 2006 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 354
Posted: November 04 2007 at 16:31 | IP Logged
It automatically generates a new Control Center tab.
It then automatically generates an ON and an Off Button for each of
your insteon devices.
New PowerHome users who want to see the Control Center in action,
but don't want to take the time (yet) to make their own Control Center.
It's a good learning example.
If you are an experienced PH user I hope you will take a look at
this macro too and improve upon it. I'm not a programmer, just an enthusiastic
PH user. I realize there is much that can be done to this macro to
make it better.
The macro first reads the cctabs database table to see how many tabs are
in the table. It then adds a new tab, giving it a unique name.
Next, the insteondevices table is read. The macro looks for either Insteon
Switchlinc dimmers, Icon dimmers or 3 prong Insteon Appliance modules.
It does NOT look for KPLs, relays or other Insteon modules. Nor does it
look for X-10 modules. (Note: You could change the macro to look for the other modules).
Lastly, the ccbuttons table is read and then updated by creating 2 separate
buttons for each device found. Each button is labled with the device's name
(to the extent the name fits on the button). The green buttons are on and
the grey buttons are the off buttons.
1. Copy the code below.
2. Paste the code you just copied into the PowerHome Multi-Editor. If you
haven't used the Multi-Editor before here is how to use.
a. Open PowerHome.
b. Click on Maintenance menu item on the top row.
c. Click on Multi-Editor.
d. A screen pops up. It should say "Script Editor (SQL)". If it doesn't
press the Shift and the F5 key to bring it up. (Note: since this is a
Multi-Editor by pressing the shift key and other function keys you
can edit other types of code.)
e. Paste the code you just copied into the Script Editor.
f. Click on the Edit menu item on the top row.
g. Click on "Execute Script". You will get a message in the lower
portion of the box that the macro has been successfully created.
(NOTE: If you try to execute the script a second time you will get
an error message because the macro name is already taken. If you want
to run the script again you first have to delete the macro that was
just created.)
3. If all went well, you've just created the macro called "CREATE CONTROL CTR".
4. You now want to run this new macro once. (You actually can run the
macro as many times as you want. It will create a new tab with new buttons
each time it is run).
5. Open the PowerHome Explorer (Either click on the E on the toolbar or
click on Maintenace and then "PowerHome Explorer".
6. Click on Macros and find the "CREATE CONTROL CTR" macro. Click on the
macro to open it.
7. Right click anywhere on the macro to open a pop up list of choices.
8. Click on PLAY from the list.
Now, open the Control Center and the newly created tab with the newly
created buttons should appear.
insert into macroheader values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR','Create Control Center',0,0,1);
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',1,37,'',NULL,'Reads numb of rows from cctabs table',1,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',2,38,'',0,'ph_sqlselect(2,"select id from cctabs") ',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',3,15,'[LOCAL3]',NULL,'ph_getsqlrows(2)',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',4,37,'',NULL,'Adds 1 to Local3 the number of rows in cctabs table',1,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',5,38,'',0,'ph_addtovar(1,3,1)',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',6,37,'',NULL,'Inserts a new tab into cctabs as the last tab
Names it Control_CenterX',1,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',7,15,'[LOCAL4]',NULL,'"Control_Center"+"[LOCAL3]"',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',8,38,'',0,'ph_sqlselect(2,"INSERT INTO cctabs (Id, Tab_Order, Bkgrnd_Color, H_Scrollbar,V_Scrollbar,Bmp_Width, Bmp_Height) VALUES (''[LOCAL4]'',''[LOCAL3]'',''16711935'',''Y'',''Y'',''0'',''0'')")',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',9,37,'',NULL,'Reads numb of rows in insteondevices table where typeid=6 (insteon dimmer) and assignes it to LOCAL1',1,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',10,38,'',0,'ph_sqlselect(1,"select id from insteondevices where Typeid IN (''4'',''6'',''10'')") ',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',11,15,'[LOCAL1]',NULL,'ph_getsqlrows(1)',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',12,37,'',NULL,'Loop through each insteon device decreasing until 0 no more devices',1,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',13,15,'[LOCAL6]',NULL,'44',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',14,15,'[LOCAL7]',NULL,'44',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',15,26,'',NULL,'MAINLOOP',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',16,15,'[LOCAL2]',NULL,'ph_getdata(1,[LOCAL1],1) ',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',17,16,'',NULL,'if(ph_getvar_n(1,1)>0,1,13)',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',18,38,'',0,'ph_addtovar(1,1,(-1))',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',19,38,'',0,'ph_sqlselect(3,"select * from ccbuttons") ',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',20,15,'[LOCAL5]',NULL,'ph_getsqlrows(3)',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',21,38,'',0,'ph_sqlselect(3,"INSERT INTO ccbuttons (tab_id, sequence,button_type,button_key1,button_key2,key_desc,key_x, key_y,key_width,key_height,key_code,key_flag,key_text,key_bk grnd,key_border,fontface,fontsize,fontweight,fontitalic,font uline,fontalign,itemtype,filepath_up,filepath_down,brush_hat ch,pen_color,pen_style,pen_width,ellipse_height,ellipse_widt h,id) VALUES (''[LOCAL4]'',''4'',''5'',''ph_insteon(~"[LOCAL2]~",ion,255)'','' '',''[LOCAL2]'',''[LOCAL6]'',''[LOCAL7] '',''252'',''96'',''0'',''0'',''0'',''65280'',''10'',''Arial '',''7'',''400'',''0'',''0'',''2'',''0'','' '','' '',''6'',''0'',''0'',''1'',''50'',''50'',''[LOCAL6][LOCAL7]'')")',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',22,15,'[LOCAL8]',NULL,'"[LOCAL7]"',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',23,15,'[LOCAL8]',NULL,'ph_addtovar(1,8,120)',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',24,38,'',0,'ph_sqlselect(3,"INSERT INTO ccbuttons (tab_id, sequence,button_type,button_key1,button_key2,key_desc,key_x, key_y,key_width,key_height,key_code,key_flag,key_text,key_bk grnd,key_border,fontface,fontsize,fontweight,fontitalic,font uline,fontalign,itemtype,filepath_up,filepath_down,brush_hat ch,pen_color,pen_style,pen_width,ellipse_height,ellipse_widt h,id) VALUES (''[LOCAL4]'',''4'',''5'',''ph_insteon(~"[LOCAL2]~",ioff,0)'','' '',''[LOCAL2]'',''[LOCAL6]'',''[LOCAL8] '',''252'',''96'',''0'',''0'',''0'',''12632256'',''10'',''Ar ial'',''7'',''400'',''0'',''0'',''2'',''0'','' '','' '',''6'',''0'',''0'',''1'',''50'',''50'',''[LOCAL6][LOCAL7]a'')")',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',25,38,'',0,'ph_addtovar(1,6,400)',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',26,16,'',NULL,'if(ph_getvar_n(1,6)>2200,1,3)',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',27,15,'[LOCAL6]',NULL,'45',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',28,38,'',0,'ph_addtovar(1,7,400)',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',29,27,'',NULL,'"MAINLOOP"',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',30,38,'',1,'ph_sqldestroy(3)',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',31,38,'',0,'ph_sqldestroy(1)',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('CREATE CONTROL CTR',32,38,'',0,'ph_sqldestroy(2)',0,'');