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Posted: January 11 2014 at 06:34 | IP Logged Quote milosz

I'm using PowerHome via a SmartHome 2414u controller; I
have about fifteen SmartHome 2456S Insteon On/Off
"appliance linc" controls.

I just added two controls. The links seem set up, I can
control the lights by clicking OFF and ON buttons in the
PowerHome Device Status device list.

However, when I associated them with insteon groups, I
see "flagged create" in Insteon Explorer - LINKS tab,
Resp Link Status column

See the screenshot at

When I click CREATE in Insteon Explorer I get some nag
about "ID Not Found" even though all the ID's seem fine,
none are blank, etc etc See the screenshot at

So, when I click CREATE and then click YES on this
dialog, nothing seems to happen; these devices stay
FLAGGED CREATE permanently....
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Posted: January 11 2014 at 22:43 | IP Logged Quote grif091

All Insteon devices are I2CS which require Extended
messages for link management. The old 2414 PLC does not
support Extended messages.    

Lee G
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Posted: January 13 2014 at 11:54 | IP Logged Quote dhoward


There can be a couple of different reasons that are keeping the links from being actually created. As Lee pointed out, a major one could be that these are I2CS devices and the older PowerLinc controller is incapable of sending the necessary extended commands.

Another thing could be that the devices themselves are disabled (Devices tab, disabled column), or they could be flagged as COMM failed (Devices tab, pink background on Clear COMMS column).

Another possibility is that the IEngine column or Use Ext for ALDB column could have null values (Devices tab, far right). You would need to change each column to something different from what it currently is, save changes, then change back to the correct values.

If these devices are fairly recent, they're almost guaranteed to be I2CS in which case all you can do is create the links manually (PowerHome will be able to then do basic control once the links exist) or upgrade to a PLM type controller.

The Create option on the Links tab does not actually create links but is intended to create devices that appear in your links but arent in the Devices table. These devices will have an ID of [ID NOT FOUND] and the create option will create these devices for you so you don't have to do it manually. However, you should verify that the ID NOT FOUND links are indeed actual devices that should be created as Insteon comms sometimes gets garbled during a link scan and a new device will be scanned with ID NOT FOUND when its actually a legimate device whose address was scrambled.

Hope this helps,

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Posted: January 22 2014 at 13:06 | IP Logged Quote milosz

Devices are not disabled in INSTEON EXPLORER / DEVICES

Not flagged as COMM failed (COMM Reliability shows as
99.87% and 99.99% for the two devices in question)

IEngine column reads "LEGACY" for every device,
including the ones in question- no null values

These two devices are 2456S3's the SAME TYPE as EVERY
OTHER MODULE I HAVE - you're saying that even though
these are the same part numbers, look
identical, etc to all my other on/off modules that they
are I2CS modules, and my other 2456S3's are not? What
is an I2CS module, and how can I tell which 2456S3's are
I2CS and which are not?

I tried "manual linking" tab - All-Linking for the
devices and groups I want them in, but Resp Link Status
still shows "FLAGGED CREATED"

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Posted: January 22 2014 at 13:57 | IP Logged Quote dhoward

milosz wrote:

These two devices are 2456S3's the SAME TYPE as EVERY
OTHER MODULE I HAVE - you're saying that even though
these are the same part numbers, look
identical, etc to all my other on/off modules that they
are I2CS modules, and my other 2456S3's are not? What
is an I2CS module, and how can I tell which 2456S3's are
I2CS and which are not?

Yes. I2CS is just a change in the communications protocol that Insteon devices use. SmartHome did not change the physical appearance or the model/part numbers and the changes are internal only in the firmware. The only way to tell if a device is I2CS is to query it for its Insteon Engine type (or if you've got the hardware/firmware rev handy and contact SmartHome to see if its an I2CS device).

milosz wrote:

I tried "manual linking" tab - All-Linking for the
devices and groups I want them in, but Resp Link Status
still shows "FLAGGED CREATED"

By manual linking, I was referring to pressing and holding the "set" button on the 2456S3 until it blinks (its in link mode) and then pressing the "set" button on your PLC which should create the "manual link". This should put the PLC ID into the 2456S3 internal database and then allow you to control it with on/off commands from PowerHome.

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Posted: January 22 2014 at 21:33 | IP Logged Quote BeachBum

Dave, he has 2 PLCs with he same ID but different addresses. Don't know if they are active together but is that a potential problem?

Pete - X10 Oldie
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Posted: January 27 2014 at 14:29 | IP Logged Quote dhoward


He should be good as long as only one PLC is active at a time (on the PH system).

I have the same thing in my own environment as I have the prod machine, devel machine, and a couple of test PLC/PLM's. I link my devices to all of them but they are all on different machines (and only 1 is active at a time on any machine). I go ahead and define them in all database instances so I don't get the ID NOT FOUND messages when links are scanned.

Good catch though .

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Posted: January 27 2014 at 17:41 | IP Logged Quote milosz

Only one PLC (#2) is in use. The other is a spare, in a
drawer, ready to be pressed into service if the in-use PLC
fails. These things fail on occasion.
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Posted: January 27 2014 at 17:47 | IP Logged Quote milosz


By manual linking, I was referring to pressing and
holding the "set" button on the 2456S3 until it blinks
(its in link mode) and then pressing the "set" button on
your PLC which should create the "manual link". This
should put the PLC ID into the 2456S3 internal database
and then allow you to control it with on/off commands
from PowerHome.


I CAN control these two modules- I can turn the lights on
and off. But they are not being controlled by
PowerHome's timer. I put them into groups which are
controlled by timed events; all the other 2456S3's in
these Insteon groups turn on and off on schedule, but
these two newly-added ones do not and I have to go into
PowerHome and manually turn them on and off.
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Posted: January 27 2014 at 18:15 | IP Logged Quote dhoward

Gotcha. Since the links (from your screenshot) are showing flagged create, the group commands will not work.

Something strange must be going on in your system though since the screenshot shows "Enable Pending" is checked and "Status Scan" is checked yet no events show up in the "Pending Operations" window. Since the devices are not disabled or flagged as COMM failed, something is out of whack.

Probably the only way we're going to be able to solve this is to schedule a remote control session so I can figure out what is wrong.

Shoot me an email (my email address is on the main PowerHome page) and we'll get something setup.

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Posted: January 27 2014 at 18:21 | IP Logged Quote grif091

If the devices were purchased after March 2012 they are
I2CS devices which do not have Peek/Poke commands. The
PLC cannot send Extended commands so linking through PH is
not possible. Don't know why PH is not trying but the
activity would fail with a PLC.    

Lee G
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Posted: January 27 2014 at 21:48 | IP Logged Quote milosz

So, what do I do? Buy a new PLC? What kind will work? I
have no idea what PLC to buy.
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Posted: January 27 2014 at 21:54 | IP Logged Quote milosz

OK, I just bought the "Insteon 2413U PowerLinc Modem
INSTEON Dual-Band USB Interface" which it "Interface
supports INSTEON extended messages"

Is this going to work with I2CS devices?
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Posted: January 27 2014 at 22:08 | IP Logged Quote grif091

A 2413 PLM is what is needed to support the I2CS devices.

Lee G
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Posted: January 27 2014 at 22:36 | IP Logged Quote milosz

OK, a 2413 PLM   is coming from Amazon to me, that should
work then.

Not too expensive, $80.
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Posted: January 28 2014 at 09:16 | IP Logged Quote smarty

I have had my issues with SmartHome like most (early Insteon adopter), but I would recommend that you buy your Insteon gear directly from them, as it makes the returns a bit more straightforward (if you have problems).

Just my two cents....

Elk - Insteon - BlueIris - DMC1 - PowerHome - XLobby - HA_Bridge w/Dots - Brultech
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Posted: February 01 2014 at 21:19 | IP Logged Quote milosz

OK I added the new 2413U Power Line MODEM

There is no 2413U DEVICE TYPE in the database. What
Device Type do I set for the 2413U?

There is a 2412U, a 2412UH, a 2414U, but **NO** 2413U
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Posted: February 02 2014 at 02:28 | IP Logged Quote milosz

Well I chose 2412UH as DEVICE TYPE. I cleared the
database in the PLM and then did ADD MIN and later ADD

Now, I can turn lights on/off manually, but none of my
groups/ timed events work

ALL links show [ID NOT FOUND]

This really doesn't work all that well.
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Posted: February 02 2014 at 02:46 | IP Logged Quote milosz

I am abandoning PowerHome. It's just too hard to use, user
documentation is nonexistent. Once you get it working,
adding a new module or changing to a new PLM breaks
everything. Maybe after you spend a week fooling around
with it, posting to this board, etc etc you **MIGHT** get
it going again.

$99 down the drain.

I am going to start using HCA.
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