insert into macrodetail values ('GET WEATHER',2,37,'',NULL,'The next line snaps out the temperature in degrees farenheight.',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('GET WEATHER',4,37,'',NULL,'The next line uses the regexdiff function to get the humidity.',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('GET WEATHER',6,37,'',NULL,'The next line gets windgust in mph.',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('GET WEATHER',8,37,'',NULL,'The next line gets the current forecast.',0,'');
insert into macrodetail values ('GET WEATHER',10,24,'No TTS',1,'"Temperature: [LOCAL2] degrees~r~nHumidity: [LOCAL3]%~r~nWindgust: [LOCAL4] mph~r~nForecast: [LOCAL5]"',0,'');